Ways to Give

Together we [mission language].

This content is a supporter-centric introduction (“You can make an impact [mission language]”) to the more popular ways in which they can leave a major gift (including legacy gifts):

Together we [mission language]

As a [organization] supporter, you [mission language]. You can support [organization] in a variety of ways with a gift that makes an impact now or a gift that will create your enduring legacy of [mission language]. 

Creative Ways to Make a Major Impact

Leaving a gift to City of Hope in your will is an opportunity to communicate your values and your dreams for the kind of future you hope your children and grandchildren will inherit. Here are some easy ways to create your legacy.

The Impact of Your Giving

$1,200 could clothe a child for a year.

Children like Samieh and Amir, residents of our Children’s Shelter.

$12,000 could provide a scholarship.

Scholarships help students like Samieh who will be the first in her family to attend college after graduating from St. Ursula Academy with a 4.0 GPA.

$65,000 could build a home for a family of four.

Christopher, Donna and their two children struggled when they first arrived in the United States as refugees from Burma. Today they are safe and secure in their home from Habitat for Humanity.

These examples are for illustration purposes only and actual gift amounts may differ.
Please contact our team to see the impact you can make possible.

Our Team is Here to Help

Our experienced team is here to help you…

  • Learn about special projects that align with your interests.
  • Structure a donation that maximizes benefits for you and your loved ones.
  • Stay up to date on how your gift is used.
  • And more!